Selmar’s partnership with the Head Start Apprenticeship Traineeship Program


Selmar’s partnership with the Head Start Apprenticeship Traineeship Program

As schools return for the year ahead, the Victorian Government’s Head Start traineeship program will make its mark on the early childhood education sector.

Head Start Apprenticeship Traineeship Program is supporting essential sectors like early childhood education to develop a highly skilled workforce while also allowing young people to make a start on their careers while completing their schooling.

Catalyst RTO Selmar is proud to be the partnering early childhood education course provider for the Head Start Apprenticeship Traineeship Program.

What is the Head Start Apprenticeship Traineeship Program?

Head Start is a new education pathway enabling secondary school students to make a start on vocational training. The program helps students to develop skills and experience that are valued by employers to students to get the best start in their careers.

Designed for students who are currently completing secondary school, Head Start presents the opportunity for young people to complete their Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) or Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) while undertaking paid on-the-job training that leads to a vocational qualification.

The Head Start Apprenticeship Traineeship Program recognises that students learn in different ways, have different passions and can empower them to make their own career choices.

As a school-based traineeship, Head Start tailors vocational qualifications to make it achievable for students to complete their secondary school studies, as well as vocational training and paid practical training.

Rather than leave school to pursue a qualification and employment, students can continue to complete their secondary schooling while gaining the confidence, capabilities and skills needed to thrive in growth sectors such as early childhood education.

How Head Start supports Early Childhood Education services

Trainees can be a valuable addition to your early childhood education workforce. Traineeships present an advantageous opportunity for employers in early childhood education who seek to effectively train staff on the job within their workplace environment. This means the chance to develop the ideal team for your workplace from their commencement of training and beyond.

The Head Start Apprenticeship Traineeship Program matches your early learning service to a committed trainee. From there, you will be provided with one-on-one support from the Head Start Coordinator.

The Head Start Coordinator will assist you by creating a Head Start Pathway Plan for your trainee that is tailored to your centre. A trainee will be supported through their CHC30121 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care coursework. This means you can enjoy the benefits of adding a passionate trainee to your team, without disruption to the way you like to run your centre.

Head Start is an opportunity for your early childhood education service to grow, training employees to meet the needs and standards of your business, improving retention along the way.

Selmar’s partnership with Head Start

The team at Selmar is committed to supporting young people in becoming future-ready and for the early childhood education sector to build a high quality, talented workforce. As such, Selmar is excited to be partnering with Head Start as an approved early childhood education and care training provider.

The experienced team of trainers at Selmar will be delivering quality training and conducting practical placement observation to maximise the outcomes for all involved with Head Start.

Head Start is focused on empowering young people to make a difference in the meaningful early childhood education sector. For early learning services, highly skilled and confident employees are always sought after and Head Start trainees will be equipped with the training and practical experience to thrive.

Get in touch with Selmar to learn more about Head Start.