Professional development for an engaged and satisfied workforce


Professional development for an engaged and satisfied workforce

With the ongoing demand for skilled workers in the aged care and early childhood sectors, attracting and retaining staff will remain at the forefront of business strategies in the coming years. Investing in professional development can boost morale and create a more sustainable working environment, helping to achieve this goal.

Professional development opportunities

Professional development for confidence and growth

If the past few years have taught us anything it’s that change is constant. Today’s workforce needs to be highly skilled, flexible and ready to adapt. More than that, the recent challenges faced by both the aged care and early childhood sectors have shown us that supporting workers to feel engaged and rewarded reduces the risk of burnout and contributes to a more sustainable workforce long-term.

Continuing their training and development not only equips employees to respond to change but helps them feel confident and fulfilled, contributing to a better workplace all round.

What does professional development look like today?

Professional development emphasises the accumulative nature of knowledge and the ongoing benefits of education. This doesn’t just mean supporting staff to enhance their practical abilities but includes honing adaptive skills like communication, teamwork, critical thinking and leadership.

Professional development activities and opportunities include:

  • Upskilling
  • Reskilling
  • Supporting staff to obtain higher qualifications
  • Supporting staff in pathways to leadership
  • Team building
  • Group training

A strong workforce should not only be capable but also satisfied. This holistic approach puts people, their achievements and values at the heart of the services we provide.

The power of professional development to address skills shortages

We’re well aware by now that aged care and early childhood education face a critical skills shortage. One positive to emerge from this is a renewed focus on jobs, training and employee satisfaction. Workers need to be respected, supported and motivated to achieve their career goals. A sector is only as strong as its workforce, which is what makes professional development so important.

Mutual benefits for employers and staff

Focusing on professional development has a range of mutual benefits. When you invest in training and development you help employees honour their passions, recognise their unique abilities and implement their hard-earned skills. It’s a way to empower workers and improve job satisfaction, as well as an investment in the quality of your workforce for years to come.

Positive outcomes of professional development include:

  • High motivation and goal setting among staff
  • Increased job satisfaction
  • A more engaged and caring workforce
  • Increased loyalty and incentive to remain with employers long-term
  • Innovation, collaboration and leadership

How quality training providers can support professional growth

Vocational training is designed with employability in mind. Recent data confirms that quality training is a sure road to job satisfaction in aged care and early childhood education, with high levels of graduates reporting their training was relevant and helped them find employment.

Quality training means quality care, which in turn means higher standards for employers, employees and clients across the entire sector.

Your employees are the heart and soul of your organisation as well as the wheels that keep it in motion. Ensuring their training is comprehensive and up-to-date is the best way to guarantee the success of your business and the quality of your service. Taking time to choose the right training provider can make all the difference.

Opportunities to upskill in aged care

The findings of the Royal Commission revealed that aged care needs to change. Putting people at the heart of aged care not only means maintaining high standards for clients but also supporting staff. Ongoing training can reduce burnout, increase job satisfaction and provide new opportunities for employees to thrive.

Upskilling, reskilling and getting qualified creates opportunity in the aged care sector. There are many ways to upskill, depending on the desired outcome.

Leadership pathways in aged care

Reports suggest that an influx of around 35,000 new workers is needed to combat the skills shortage in aged care. The upside is that opportunities abound.

Employers can support their staff to upskill by checking out what courses are on offer. Traineeships provide mutual benefits for employers and learners and are a great way to attract talent to your workplace.

With a Certificate IV, employees can take on more responsibility. Leisure and Health is another rewarding pathway, with outcomes that include lifestyle coordination and managing activity programs.

Grow future leaders by encouraging individuals with outstanding capabilities to qualify with an Advanced Diploma of Community Sector Management.

Opportunities to upskill in early childhood

High job demand in early childhood education and care means that supporting your staff to upskill and become qualified will create a dedicated workforce who are highly skilled and eager to embrace challenges.

One way training providers can work with you to attract and retain staff is via traineeships. This allows workers to earn while they learn and create lasting connections. For service providers, traineeships give access to skilled workers, government funding and wage subsidies, and the ability to shape the right workforce for the job.

Leadership pathways in early childhood

We don’t need to tell you that early childhood education is an engaging field with diverse roles to be filled. Discovering what courses are on offer is a starting point for employers interested in encouraging professional development among staff.

Empowering employees might look like encouraging them to take on greater responsibilities in your centre, such as becoming a Room Leader. For this they’ll need a diploma, which can open up further pathways to leadership depending on where you and your employees choose to go.

If university is their ultimate goal the diploma can even secure them a pathway to a Bachelor degree in primary teaching.

With over 6,000 roles to fill, encouraging skills and innovation among your staff is going to benefit the entire sector.

Empower your employees

Professional development is empowering for everyone. If you’re an aged care or early childhood organisation interested in creating a highly motivated, skilled and engaged workforce, now’s the time to partner with a training provider. At Catalyst, our courses are designed to maximise opportunity for the people who support these vital industries.